City offices can be an exciting environment to work in, especially if you have a gorgeous view of the city that may make it easier to daydream than to get things done. Although the views of skyscrapers and buildings from your office may make you feel inspired, there is no doubt that working in a city can be distracting. Honking horns, emergency vehicles, and noisy pedestrians are all examples of outside noise that can negatively impact your productivity and focus in an office. Any kind of office soundproofing in a noisy city will make you wonder how you got things done without it.
Although the office I work in isn’t located in the middle of a noisy city, it is right by the airport. We hear every single plane that takes off. In my opinion, this sound isn’t as distracting as the many noises you may hear in a city office. Though, soundproofing solutions have been installed in our office that do a great job at blocking noise. I’m sure it would be even more beneficial to those working in busy cities. I have curated a guide that includes the different ways you can soundproof an office space, specifically for those in noisy cities.
Tips for Office Soundproofing in Noisy Cities
Invest in New Windows to Block Street Noise
Depending on the kind of windows that are currently installed in your office, it may be easier for noise to come through. Thinner glass makes it extremely easy for sound to travel through, so installing a new window with thick glass may be a good investment. You can also purchase windows based on their STC rating, which is the effectiveness of blocking noise. Investing in windows with an STC rating of 45 or above can make a huge difference in the office space, especially for those located in the middle of a loud city. If you want to learn more about replacing windows based on their STC rating or other alternatives, take a look at one of our past blog posts that gives advice on how to soundproof your windows.
Install Carpet Flooring or a Soundproof Underlayment to Absorb Sound
A tile or wood floor in an office space can produce more echo and even reflect outside city noise. Carpet flooring is your best bet when it comes to soundproofing as it absorbs noise and lowers the possibility of disruptions. If you want an even more effective solution, you can install an underlayment that works as a soundproofing material. Our Floor Blokker is a cost-effective product made of a thick material that will allow your employees to work under better conditions. If you would rather not spend money on installing a new type of flooring or underlayment, rugs can also be helpful in absorbing sound.

Use Sound Barriers on Walls to Create a Calmer Environment
If your office is located in a large building with several floors and departments, a good amount of noise can travel through the walls. It is also another source for outside noise to come through, which can be very disruptive in city office spaces. There are several sound barrier options that are specifically designed for walls. One option is the Wall Blokker which is a flexible material that adds weight to a wall, further reducing the transfer of noise. Another option which is similar but more affordable is the Audimute Peacemaker. This product is good for the environment and can be used on ceilings and floors as well.
Utilize Furniture as a Soundproofing Method
The emptier an office space is, the easier it is for noise to fill a room. Furniture can be used as a way to absorb sound, as well as making an office look appealing. City office spaces may need more furniture than usual due to the higher potential of outside noise. Couches, tables, desks, and cushioned lounge chairs are just a few examples of the type of furniture that can be utilized in an office space as a soundproofing solution. The video below is a useful source of inspiration if you are passionate about filling your office space in a stylish way.
A Guide to Office Soundproofing in Noisy Cities – Key Takeaways
The tips and tricks from this guide should be incredibly useful to soundproofing your office space. It may be almost impossible to block any outside noise in a busy city, but my suggestions should make a huge difference in the amount of noise that travels through. In conclusion, there are several key takeaways to soundproofing your city office:
- Invest in New Windows
- Install Carpet Flooring or an Underlayment
- Use Wall Sound Barriers to Block Noise Better
- Utilize Furniture to Absorb Noise and Elevate Your Office Space