Some of us may already be very familiar with white noise machines, also known as sound masking machines, and be using them regularly. However, not everyone is familiar with white noise machines, how they work, or when it’s best to use one.
When to use a White Noise Machine
You might’ve heard friends or family mention using sound machines while they sleep or while they work. However, you might wonder why adding noise to their environment would be helping them sleep better or focus on their work better.
White noise actually helps to raise the background noise level, which sounds like it could be bothersome when you’re trying to sleep or work, but raising the background noise level is actually helpful. In many cases where you would have heard that car driving by at night, or your coworkers talking across the office, now you won’t be able to. White noise machines essentially help to mask, or “cover”, background noises that would otherwise be distracting.
Learn More: How Sound Masking Works
White Noise for Better Sleep
Sleep is something that we take for granted, even though we may not always be getting enough of it. As much as some of us may try to get our 8 hours every night, it might just not be possible depending on your sleep setting. If you live in a noisy area, or have loud house mates, then it may be harder to fall asleep and stay asleep through the night.
Many people use white noise machines at night to mask the disturbing noises that may be keeping them from getting a good night’s sleep. A lot of parents also use baby white noise machines for their nurseries. Using a sound machine while you sleep can be beneficial especially if:
- +You share a bed with a snorer
- +You have traffic noise outside your bedroom window
- +A family member leaves their TV on in the next room
- +You want to avoid waking up a newborn
Some people worry that the noise from a white noise machine can get annoying, but if your machine has adjustable tones and volume, you should be able to find a setting that works. When set correctly, your sound machine should just sound like your air conditioning.
Office Sound Masking Masking
Working in office can get pretty distracting, especially with the background conversations your coworkers are having between each other or on the phone. Overhearing all of those background conversations can make it pretty hard to focus on the work you’re trying to get done.

People often use a personal white noise machine in their office area to help limit distractions from these background conversations and better focus on their work. This is a big problem in open office spaces specifically, since there aren’t any walls to block sound from conversations. Even if your cubicle wall blocks you from seeing your desk neighbor, any sound from their conversations will go right up and over that wall.
For very large office spaces with these issues in open areas, or speech privacy issues between closed offices, you may need to consider a commercial white noise system.
Benefits of Sound Masking & White Noise Machines
Using a white noise machine while you sleep can help you fall asleep faster, and stay asleep throughout the night. As we know, better quality of sleep at night helps us to function better throughout the day, and it can actually benefit your health in the long run.
Using a white noise machine in your workspace can help to decrease distractions you might normally face during the day. If you work in an open office area, you know all too well how annoying it is to hear a conversation across the office while you’re trying to work. When you can focus on your work, you can produce better work in a shorter amount of time.
Best Uses for White Noise Machines – Summary
So as we discussed, white noise works by masking, or covering, distracting background noises. If you raise the background noise level in general, other distracting background noises won’t seem as loud anymore. White noise machines are best used for the following:
- +Getting to sleep and staying asleep
- +Working in an office space