Echo & Reverberation

Types of Acoustical Absorption Panels

Types of Acoustical Absorption Panels When you think of acoustical absorption panels, you might only picture the standard 2″ thick 2’x4′ that you’d see in recording studios, restaurants or churches, but acoustic wall panels are actually available in a number of shapes, sizes and materials. The most common acoustic absorption panels are typically made from…

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When To Use Acoustic Wall Panels

If you’re not familiar with the term “Acoustic Wall Panel”, maybe you’ve heard the term “sound absorbing panel” or “absorption panel”, or if you’ve never heard any of those terms, you’ve probably at least seen an acoustic panel and just not known what it was. If you’ve been in a restaurant, you’ve probably caught a…

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Ancient Acoustics & Ancient Sound Technology

Have you ever thought about the technology that keeps your favorite concert venues or playhouses running? Installing the acoustics and sound treatment needed to support live music and drama isn’t easy. To perfect their sound, modern performance theaters boast elaborate sound systems, employ acoustical engineers, and invest in the creation of ideal listening environments. Ancient…

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Make Your Coffee Shop a Quiet Workspace

Today’s coffee shops have become the ever-increasing digital nomad’s choice workspace, turning most shops into bustling hubs of clicking keyboards, ringing phones, and buzzing conversation. The days of simply sipping lattes at the local Starbucks have disappeared as more and more workers opt for careers sans traditional offices. As employees abandon the office to work from…

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Echo and Reverberation Explained

You may have heard the terms “echo & reverberation” before, and you may even use the two words interchangeably. Echo and reverberation are actually two different things, but both are created by an initial impulse noise such as a clap, conversation, or music. Both echo and reverb can also be reduced using acoustic treatment such…

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