Fundamentals of Architectural Acoustics Book

Fundamentals of Architectural Acoustics


Fundamentals of Architectural Acoustics is designed to provide Architects and Contractors with the tools they need to design and build acoustically‐comfortable and code‐compliant spaces.

This Handbook contains core soundproofing & acoustical principles that every building professional should know, derived from a dozen years of engineering analyses, field tests, and assessments.



Most of the principles in this handbook don’t require any cost increases, and in fact, many of them will actually result in cost­‐savings if properly implemented.

From gym soundproofing in Seattle to 50‐story high­‐rise multi‐family developments in New England, and luxury cinemas from coast to coast, the same principles apply to give the end client a cost­‐effective design or remediation to noise issues.

Our firm has engaged with the architectural industry, completing nearly 100 AIA Lunch & Learns over the past several years, in addition to countless other speaking engagements, to understand the most common and complex issues faced by Designers and Builders.

Additional information

Weight1 lbs
Dimensions11 × 8.5 × 1 in


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