Need a simple and direct source for soundproofing products? Look no further. Soundproof Direct is organized to provide contractors with direct access to sound-blocking or sound-absorbing products. These are priced by the square foot, roll, or sheet. Soundproof Direct is the ultimate one-stop shop for soundproofing for contractors.

In order to hit your required soundproofing levels, you may be able to achieve STCs in the high 40s and 50s on single stud walls with Mass Loaded Vinyl. On the other hand, you may need staggered stud or double-stud designs to achieve unique STC ratings for in-home studios or other specialty construction types.
See Catalog of Soundproofing Products for further details
Rather than working with a distribution warehouse or wholesaler, we provide detailed data sheets and installation instructions for each of our clients. One-click checkout and instantaneous pricing makes purchasing decisions quick and easy.
Speak with on of our technical associates to determine the ideal use of sound absorbing panels versus mass loaded vinyl soundproofing membranes (if treating echo or sound transmission, respectively).
Where Contractors should use Soundproofing Products
- In homes around bedrooms, offices, and theaters
- Ensure the sweeps and seals are properly installed around door openings so that sound does not flank around, lowering the effective STC
- Treat walls that have sensitive adjacencies, especially chidrens’ rooms, libraries, offices, and others
- Where possible, use “buffer spaces” around loud rooms, such as pantries and hallways, so that additional soundproofing materials are not needed
- Select the proper soundproofing products: Wall Blokker on metal stud, Wall Blokker PRO on wood stud. Additionally, a number of underlayments are acceptable depending on your required IIC. Consider Floor Blokker for significant isolation, or AcoustiStep for a more moderate improvement
- Always use Fiberglass batting in wall cavities, although Mineral Wool and other specialty insulation products are not required
- In hotels or apartments between units, and floor isolation for units above
- Similar to the locations listed above, but also consider electrical and mechanical rooms that may required additional soundproofing, often up to STC 60
- Also, hotel gyms and fitness areas should strongly consider using a floating floor system to prevent disturbing guests

Consider Soundproofing Cost-Benefit of Mass Loaded Vinyl and Other Soundproofing Products
At the end of the day, it’s often that contractor that decides where and how much soundproofing material is used. Considering that a single layer of soundproofing membrane can typically provide the same STC benefit as 3 layers of drywall, there is usually a cost-savings to use specialty sound-blocking products when high STCs are required.
How to Find the Best Soundproofing Contractor
When looking for a soundproofing contractor, be sure to make sure they’re reputable and know what they’re talking about. Start by asking a few screening questions to make sure they’re actually knowledgeable about soundproofing:
- Do they know the difference between sound absorption and sound blocking?
- Do they know the difference between airborne noise and structure borne noise?
- Do they know what STC is? What about NRC?
Soundproofing contractors or consultants don’t always install the soundproofing materials, but they can tell you which products are right for your space. Once you know which products to use, then you can either install them on your own, or hire another construction company for it.